Since the appearance of an article about our success in treating a case of interstitial cystitis in Megan’s Blog, we have received many new patients and even international calls regarding our treatment of this miserable condition.  Thank God, we have had great success with treating interstitial cystitis!  I recently received a “testimonial” from a young woman, that I want to post here.

Patient Review of Salmon Creek Clinic Interstitial Cystitis Treatment:

“Dr Zeff . . . I just wanted to give you an update on how I am feeling. Well, I want to give you a HUGE thanks! I am feeling WAY BETTER. The pressure and urgency and frequency are basically GONE. Basically my IC symptoms are gone. I am no longer feeling bloated! My BMs are more regular now and not painful. I feel as light as a feather. I am able to sit for more than 10 mins without having pain or pressure. I went to church and sat for 3 hours without having to get up and use the restroom. I am able to wear jeans!!!! (I haven’t worn jeans for 2 years because of IC).  I am sleeping throughout the night, I haven’t gotten up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. (I almost forgot what it was like to actually sleep throughout the night) I feel so much healthier it is insane! The only thing I’ve noticed was the first 3 days I felt nauseous, but it’s been better now. Thank you so much for what you’ve done, it’s left me speechless! Thank you for giving me hope!”


How did we do this?  First, we listen to the person.  I spend at least an hour with a new patient, and longer if needed.  But cure comes about from a fairly simple method.  We evaluate the diet for elements that may be causing irritation of the bladder or pelvic tissues.  We advise on the removal of this dietary problem, and then apply botanical medicine and hydrotherapy to help heal and improve digestive function.  Salmon Creek Clinic uses homeopathic and botanical medicine to ease pain and promote healing of the bladder.  This usually works well, and for most people there is obvious improvement within 3 months.

Dr. Zeff

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please Contact Dr. Zeff of Salmon Creek Clinic. or call us at 360-823-8121.