Chronic Disease

Chronic disease occurs as the disturbing factors accumulate, and the attempts by the body to get rid of these disturbances are suppressed. This allows the disturbance to penetrate deeper and deeper into the vital structures and functions of the body. Treatments by our doctors may preserve life or ease suffering. But what this amounts to is that these chronic disease states are “managed” by doctors, rather than cured.

To accomplish cures of chronic disease, in general, one begins at the beginning. First, identify disturbing factors. Again, this is usually found most dramatically in diet. One need not make absolute or perfect improvements in the diet; incremental improvements will prove effective.

Make positive changes, with a focus upon three things:

  1. First, insure dietary adequacy: insure that all the necessary nutrients for health and healing are present in the diet, that there is enough of everything.
  2. Second, insure a more healthful balance of nutrients, that there is not too much of something. Third, identify and remove reactive foods if they are present.
  3. Then identify the stressful elements in the person’s life and advise the person about their moderation, or act to reduce the effects of stress upon the body. This includes the suppressive effects of drugs and other medical interventions, toxic and traumatic exposures, as well as what might be called toxic relationships, and the whole host of that which we have identified as potentially disturbing factors.

Simultaneously, one can begin to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms, by means which are not in themselves suppressive or weakening. First, one should apply general stimulation to the healing processes. The single best way to do this is through constitutional hydrotherapy. Such a treatment is non-suppressive, counteracts the effects of stress upon the digestive system. This aids in detoxification of the blood because more blood is pumping through the liver and the kidneys. In addition, the stomach and intestines are relaxing and tonifying at the same time. It is a profoundly healing treatment. Constitutional hydrotherapy is used to treat all manner of acute and chronic disease, from infection to cancer. This treatment is used with infants and old people alike.

In my experience, appropriate dietary change, coupled with a simple stomach tonic and constitutional hydrotherapy will generate improvement in almost any disease condition.

Support Recovery

The next task is to evaluate the functional status of the various systems and organs and, if necessary, to support their specific recovery. This is the area where I find the greatest use for botanicals. One can identify botanical medicines, which will improve function in any system of the body.