More on Interstitial Cystitis

19 Mar 2018

Since the appearance of an article about our success in treating a case of interstitial cystitis in Megan’s Blog, we have received many new patients and even international calls regarding our treatment of this miserable condition.  Thank God, we have had great success with treating interstitial cystitis!  I recently received a “testimonial” from a young woman, that I want to post here. Patient Review of Salmon Creek Clinic Interstitial Cystitis Treatment: “Dr Zeff . . . I just wanted to give you an update on how I am feeling. Well, I want to give you a HUGE thanks! I am feeling WAY BETTER. The pressure and urgency and frequency are.

Interstitial Cystitis

11 Dec 2016

Interstitial Cystitis is a difficult and miserable problem, mostly suffered by women. It is like a bladder infection in sensation, but there is no infection, and the pain is constant. There is no good treatment conventionally, which is partly why it is difficult. I am pleased that we have been able to cure most of the people who have come to us with this problem. By most, I mean over 90%. The problem involves pain in the bladder area, sometimes including vulvadynia or pain elsewhere in the perineum. It will vary somewhat in symptoms, but usually presents as constant pain in the bladder region, maybe worse from sitting, though in.